Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day

According to my Facebook today is International Women's Day or something like that....

I guess times like I'm in now are the perfect time to look at how lucky and blessed you are.
I'm not sappy or open hearted often....So....pardon the deepness of this post.

So this is my shout out. To the women I love, and to people who have helped me become who I am.

I should start off at the womb I suppose.

My Mother, Mommy, Mama Bear, Mmmmooooommmmm, whatever sounds best at the time.

My Mom is one of the craziest people I know.  She definitely knows how to keep a personality.  She has been through a lot but has never hesitated to show us her support. Whether it's forcing her to come watch my soccer games in pouring rain, watching her reaction as I tell her I'm going to do a pageant, or her finding out through Facebook that my insane decision to move to New York was only 2 weeks away she has always been there to support me for who I am. She thinks I'm cool-which is equally cool. I love the cards she sends me at random in the mail.  I like that her texts usually contain one too many questions to ever answer in one response. I'm happy that she has shown me by example to persevere through whatever life gives me and just keep going. I hope that someday soon I can be a daughter that she can be proud of.  I love my mommy and all her craziness. and that's that.

My Sister, My Best Friend, My baby Mama

Oh Suzanna, I wouldn't even know where to start.  If you need to know my favorite color, food, or what my likes and dislikes are I suggest you get in contact with her.  She has known me for as long as I can remember and has never failed to remember everything about me.  Yes at times she has gotten a bit confused on my dating life, but nothing that wasn't easily caught up on after a phone call.  She is a sweetheart with so much love to offer.  I've always wanted to be like her.  She scrapbooks like a mad woman and never fails to make every pinterest idea a success.  I know that she is always there to support me and be my best friend when I need it.  I call her my best friend to everyone I meet because that is what she is.  I love her and she is my go to right hand girl who I call my sister.  I wish her all the happiness in the world!

My Baby B.

Watch out guys. My niece has more personality than most 30 year old women out there.  She is learning from the best (aka me) and will be a whirlwind once she learns how to talk.  She has brought me so many smiles and laughs and I could probably stay entertained with this chipmunk all day long.  I cannot wait to see how big little Berlin gets and how funny she is once she starts talking. 

My Little Seester

This girl used to think I was the coolest thing to ever grace the earth with my presence.  I remember how many times she told me she wanted to be just like me.  She thought everything I did was funny and that made me feel so cool.  I miss my little sister because now she is growing up and doing her own's not the same and it never will be....because that's life.  I don't think she realizes how talented she is or how much she could be doing....I just hope she realizes that she needs to do what in her heart feels right and follow that craziness instead.
Always gonna be a chipmunk to me.

It's your fault I'm a pageant girl...

Oh Jess, I had no idea when I showed up at an orientation for a pageant I saw advertised on facebook that you would someday be on of the funniest people I know and a true friend.  Thank you for helping me and encouraging me to not give up.  You met me at a time where my confidence was at an all time low. Had I not been blessed with you and the doors you were able to open for me I'm not sure I would be where I am right now.  You've always been straight with me and wont take my excuses in selling myself short.  I love your sense of humor and look up to you.  Love you Jess :)

You two probably have no idea...

Carol and Lindsay. Two of the most talented seamstresses I've met.  Your hugs are the best.  I know that anytime I run into or see you I will be filled with a warm smile and a huge hug.  You were always there to share your talents and support with me in more ways than you will ever know.  Lindsay you are so talented and I better see you on Broadway someday soon.  Carol, your support was always so genuine to me.  Coming back to the school to watch performances and shows you are one of the people on my list of must-see faces.  You're like a mother to me and I want to make you proud someday too.  Your family has been through a lot and the fact that nothing has ever diminished your kind hearts or ready to share smiles is something every human should strive for. 

To My Second Mothers
Kenna Marrelli and Linda Sullenberger

To Kenna and Linda, you ladies were my go to mother away from home.  You taught me by your example and were always a role model for me to look up to.  Your strength, humor, wonderful smile, and faith in me meant more than I could ever thank you for.  I want to thank you for taking me under your wing when necessary and encouraging me when I didn't have enough faith in myself to push anymore.  You have been two women in my life that I know I can always turn to and see an example of who I want to be in my future. Thank you so much. You both dominate two large parts of my heart.

The Woman Who Shared My Passion...

Oh Lisa, you master of many trades. I am so grateful for the years I had under your wing. You were more than a coach or a teacher to me.  Thank you for believing in my quirkiness and showing me that my lack of technique didn't have to always hold me back from expressing myself through a form of art I love so so much.  You're an amazing dancer, mother, and example to every young girl who is blessed to be taught by you.  Thank you for being strict with me when I needed it and for being soft and understanding when I was struggling.  You were a great balance between the two and I appreciate the opportunities you gave me to be a leader and find peace and happiness in my passion. 

My Boo....

Amanda. I'm glad I don't hate you anymore.  You really needed a proper name tag or something and we could have gotten our friendship started a few years ago.  I'm grateful that we got stuck in the same dressing room which spiraled into this whole random trip to New York for fashion week leading to us deciding to drop everything and move across the country.  There are times I want to murder you. Willow does too.  And then there are times where I'm grateful I have a friend that is here experiencing the highs and lows of this adventure with me.  Our midnight laughs as we are being attacked by a cat cannot be replaced :) I can't wait for the stories we have coming.

I could honestly go on for days. 

My Dance Company Girls

I want to thank the girls I danced with for years.  The girls that made me smile at 6:00 a.m that I've been able to see grow up.  I don't think I would have ever made it through high school without them.  My little sisters I adopted and the girls that simply shared a similar interest with me.  You were my family and all hold a huge part of my heart.  I hope my name written under that bench isn't shortly forgotten and that you know you will always have a sister and a friend in me. Never hesitate to call or text me. I will always be there for you. 

The Women that Believed in Me...
I want to thank Susie, Nicole, and Michelle at Mccarty for helping me get jobs and always being so sweet and supportive of me.  I want to thank the many teachers and directors I had through high school...Mrs. Hansen, Ms. Buck, Judy at the front desk, and Ms. Smith.  The many female artists, photographers, make up artists and models who helped teach me about this fashion world I'm pursuing a life in.  Thank you for taking pictures of me for free, for promoting me, and for giving me the proper guidance I needed to feel comfortable in my own skin in front of a camera.  I was blessed to be a part of your art. 

At the end of the day I could be grateful for every woman who has ever shared a smile, a thought, or a belief with me.  I am sure I missed some people so I apologize.  I have met some amazing people in my life and I want you all to know you have made a difference.

Thank you. 


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

They Say.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

They Say.

I say honestly- life throws you serious curveballs sometimes and you just have to smile and keep going.

Update on my life.

*WARNING* there will be run on sentences.


So I went to New York to attend fashion week simply to watch and cross my fingers that by some miracle I made it into one of the shows. It snowed there was a blizzard we made some videos and that was that. I met with a friend who suggested that I submit myself to modeling agencies and thinking nothing of it I said sure why not.  Expecting nothing to come from it I was invited in by some of the biggest modeling agencies in the world and lo and behold I was given an offer. So out of the blue I decide to chase my silly little girl dream to become a Victoria's Secret model in some way shape or form pick up and decide to drive across the country and move to New York City.


I mean moving across the country with your best friend, a dog, and two complete wardrobes in a Hyundai Accent is bound to create some stories, and it did.

Willow and I somewhere in the middle of Nebraska

Now I'm here.  I hang out at coffee shops all day while I wait for a phone call telling me to go to a casting. I watch people walk by all day.  Wondering what is running through their minds, what problems they might be having, what brought them to this crazy city.

The reality of the situation is that I'm in an unfamiliar place, feeling unfamiliar things.

But I asked for this- I want this somewhere deep down inside.  I know things will get better I really do. I'm just in a funk. Feeling like my crazy impulsiveness got the best of me this time.

Thank you for the curveball life.
Be ready because I'll be throwing it right back at you. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

There is Beauty in Everything... Well, mostly

I'm going to do you all a favor and make what could be a long story with years worth of background information and keep it short and simple.
I've been blessed and my dreams are coming true.
Private jet on my way to NY fashion week to model for Calvin Klein and rock the Dolce and Gabbana runway. Sipping on some ginger ale while getting a foot massage in a smooth sailing aircraft to be picked up by a butler with a sign saying "Welcome Miss Braun".

Okay, so not quite.

More like showing up at the airport after listening to Amanda throw up the Astro Burger salad she had eaten the night before to find out the bag was 9lbs. overweight. We repacked on the spot and continued along. Had a layover in Phoenix we hustled our buns for only to find out the flight was delayed. Phew!

On the flight to New York I have poor little Amanda sleeping away her stomach bug on one side, a nice gentleman eating his brunch on the other, screaming little kids behind me that think this is Iron Man's jet (oh I wish!! In another life I'm Pepper Potts), I have to pee soooooo badly but my fasten seatbelt sign is on due to turbulence, and turns out I have to pay for slate peanuts now too.

I just keep closing my eyes picturing the beautiful city awaiting me and the experiences I'm about to have. It's a breathtaking view. Now if only I can get there in one piece.

Oh and by the way/ I'll post videos each night of that days adventures and you can download VOTo from the App Store to help me make decisions.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Art of the Green Smoothie

Eating healthy has always been a challenge for me.
I refer to vegetables as rabbit food.
I should probably own shares in Taco Bell and Arby's.
I have no understanding of portion control whatsoever-I eat like a 400 pound man.
I love my sugar.
Needless to say the biggest part of following up with my goals has been cutting out the bad and putting in the good. 
When I was a kid I made up an allergy to spinach. Anytime my mom would make me eat it I would cry and scream that my throat was itchy and burning and that I couldn't breathe.  My creativity got me out of eating Popeye's superfood for a solid few years until one day I forgot to "react".
This new craze of "green smoothies" had me thinking.  If I could just start drinking one of these monsters a day with my enemy spinach, kale, and some spirullina it might be a good start to getting some good stuff inside of me. 
I like to do a few things differently.  I add almond milk as my liquid and say that more is better!!!
I've found that pears counter the grainy taste that spirullina contains,
and that freezing your fruit when you buy it helps it be more of a smoothie-rather than chunky juice.
Throw in a couple blueberries, some strawberries, a banana, a pear, a couple rasberries, almond milk, kale, coconut oil, and some almond milk and hit the mix button!
BAM!!!! Solid serving of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and tons of energy!!!
It's been about a week since I've started this-haven't been feeling the daily cold symptoms of winter as much
I'm starting to crave them!
I'm Dani, and this is my dysfunctional life.

Never Too Late

Every year when January comes around I hear New Year's Resolutions I roll my eyes.  It means tons of meaningless facebook posts, the gym being completely overpopulized, and goals that two months later no one will remember. 

I personally always come up with some fluffy nonsense resolution just to sound like part of the crowd.  Never have I followed through with one. 

This year I take a different perspective though.   Not setting New Year's Resolutions, but rather New Me Resolutions.  I want to better myself and experience each day ahead of me to the fullest of its potential.  

I've set my goals and am going to use this to help me work through them and keep me motivated.  I have friends doing some goals with me -love you Jess and Amanda- and I have people there to support me.  There is no reason I can't be the girl I want to be.

Goals (don't laugh)-

*FBG!!!! Fat be gone. forever. I want to be toned and sexy like the Victoria's Secret Girls
*Yoga-start connecting my body and learning to let the stress of life go
*Eat Healthy- this coming from the girl who would eat Taco Bell and Arby's about 5x a week
*Let go of my past- learning to let go of all the hurt and insecurities I've ever felt
*Dream Big-follow some of my dreams like being involved in the fashion industry
*Give Back- work with charities or volunteer throughout the city
*Random acts of kindness-buy a stranger's meal, carry an older person's groceries, the list goes on 

and finally

*FEEL beautiful and confident in who I am

It might be too much for me to handle.  I started last week and I'm already on my way.  

I can do this. 

I'm Dani, and this is my crazy dysfunctional life.